Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kitchen storage solutions

Blending style with storage creates a functional kitchen

If your clients have a lot of spices, ideally they should go in a large drawer on either side of the cooktop. However, if aesthetically it makes more sense to have narrower cabinets on either side of the cooktop, then I put the spices on both sides of the coo hop and move the cooking uterisib one drawer down.In their space, an "U'shape with an island is ideal. One leg of the "L"will house her induction cooktop with ventilation above, her spices in a drawer to the left of the cooktop, cooking utensils in the top drawer to the right of the coo ktop, knives on a magnetic strip mounted on the backsplash, pots and pans on roflouts or deep drawers below the cooktop, hot-pad holders in a drawer below the utensil drawer, and cooking oils and larger spice bottles in the wall cabinet to the right and/or left of the vent hood. The island across from the cooktop will house her mixing bowls, serving bowls and platters.Function before ibm-i is what I was taught in design school 23 years ago, and during the years Fve learned that iffimction comes first, then form inevitably will take its shape. My former instructor, Mr. J, would be so proud."A place for everything, and everything in its place," or is it, "Everything in its place and a place for everything"? I'm not quite sure how the saying goes. Regardless, it certainly makes sense and it's a mottollilcetolive anddesignby.Iflndifthere isn't a proper storage place fbr hems in the kitchen homeowners will use the countertop for storage. Doesn't this defiat the purpose of a beautiflilly designed kitchen? Why would ~uwant clients to hide their beautiful countertops and backsplashes with clutter? They most likely spent a good chunk of their budget on those items, after all.DESIGN BY FUNCTIONIdeally, all specific inserts are defined and incorporated into the cabinets when they are built because they match the interiors of the cabinets and usually fit the design style. However, for clients with a tight budget, this might not be possible and would liavc to be a part of theft project s phase two. If we assist therm in specifying the items they'll need, then they are more likely to purchase these items and install them in the fhture. The Container Store is one of my favorite places to send them because the store has many options that are reasonably priced.Have you ever taken inventory of your clients' existing kitchens as they go through the items they'll need in their new kitchen? Typically, they find something they thought they had misplaced, or they find two, three or four ofone thing~This is because their current kitchen doesn't define where each item should go, so they simply throw items into a cavernous cabinet and forget they have them. I have found that if you define what goes in each drawer and cabinet, clients are less likely to purchase multiples of what they already have and, therefore, will need less storage space.The other leg of the "L"houses the sink and dishwasher, where he can start his ckanup while the's still prepping dinner. The outer part of that run is where dishes, bowls and drinking glasses are stored. They can go in the wall cabinet or in a larger dish drawer. Utensils go in a drawer near the dishes.SPECIFIC SOLUTIONSOnce the footprint of the kitchen is established by positioning each of the appliances, defining the purpose of each drawer and cabinet can take place. After those two items have been accon-iplished, aesthetic design elements will work themselves out. For example, for one of my projects we needed to add panty storage in the eating area. We clidth want the bulkiness of panty doors in that particular area so we added glass doors to the panty and backed it with fitbric to hide unsightly items.I've found storage containers are the toughest things to design for. They always seem to multipl~ and there is no universal size or shape to them. My best solution to date is to take a deep drawer and install a divder from front to back for lid storage~ and in the remainder of the drawer install a dish drawer insert. I believe the pegs for the dishes are perlict br stacking containers and adjusting to the different sizes and shapes.I like to design my clients' kitchens with fbncdon in mind and then add design elements to make it beautifW.I believe a pretty kitchen might sell the job, but a functional kitchen brings the clients back Asking clients a lot of questions regarding their cooking, cleaning and shopping habits is important. You also should ask about their entertaining needs. Two of my most recent clients are almost empty-nesters, busy in their medical fields, who like to be together at the table when they're doing their "homework" on the `weekends. She does all the cooking and he's all about groceryshopping and cleaningup.When time permits, she likes to prepare meals that take time in the oven or simmering on the cooktop, an area where she can lounge while keeping an eye on her cooking would be ideal for theft space.LISA LOUSHIN launched Haute Kitchens, Plymouth, Minn., in 2007 and has served locally for NKBA as vice president of communications, longrange planner, and second-term chapter president and certified instructor. Loushin can be reached at 612-791-9008 or

LISA LOUSHIN launched Haute Kitchens, Plymouth, Minn., in 2007 and has served locally for NKBA as vice president of communications, longrange planner, and second-term chapter president and certified instructor. Loushin can be reached at 612-791-9008 or

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